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World Down Syndrome Day 2021!

Chinaka Holder

It’s World Down Syndrome Day again! Soooo… on this day, March 21st, 2021. We stand in solidarity with persons with Down Syndrome, we celebrate with them and most of all support their global cause for equality and inclusion.



Maybe you’re wondering, how this day came about? Well, here is a little back story….



Down Syndrome occurs naturally in some people and is marked by a chromosomal arrangement that is made up of 47 chromosomes as opposed to 46. The human body commonly comprises a total of 46 chromosomes (23 from mom and 23 from dad) and these chromosomes are usually paired….like twins! However, persons with Down Syndrome have an extra chromosome which occurs in chromosome 21. So instead of chromosome 21 being twins, they are like triplets and this is what causes Down Syndrome.



Persons with Down Syndrome have often been denied the same privileges and opportunities that others receive because of myths surrounding it. This resulted in the need to debunk myths and promote facts through advocacy and knowledge sharing. Over the years, advocacy has grown and evolved, and now includes worldwide efforts with the support of international and local organizations joining the cause.



Notably, since 2012, March 21st has been officially observed by the United Nations as World Down Syndrome Day and it is marked by the wearing of bright, colourful, mismatched socks. Worldwide, many activities are held to celebrate the lives of people with Down Syndrome and to advocate for equal opportunities. 



This year’s World Down Syndrome Day `theme is “We Decide” which represents the voice of the people with Down Syndrome as they advocate for full inclusion in the decision making about issues that directly affect them.



Now that we have learnt just a little bit more about Down Syndrome, our message to you today is really simple. Let’s remember that we are all human and deserve the right to freedom and opportunity as anyone else.



Chester Drawer is a sock company and we proudly support World Down Syndrome Day! Rock your socks!


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